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Jeudi sans jus (Juiceless Thursday)

Jeudi sans jus is to promote the use to reusable water bottles opposed to using juice boxes or plastic water bottles. Students are encouraged to bring their drinks in a reusable water bottles and to fill them up throughout the day.

Boomerang Lunch

Boomerang Lunches are on Fridays. They are to help students become aware of how much garbage that their lunch can generate. All garbage cans a hidden away during the lunch hour and during snack and students are asked to bring home any garbage in their lunch bags. The Eco-Team encourages students to pack their lunches snacks in reusable containers.

Golden Recycling Box

One class in each division is awarded a Golden Recyling Box full of Angel Tickets for having the most organized recycling boxes in their classrooms. This will help students to properly sort out their recycling. Results are tallied up so that each class can keep track of their progress.

Morning Announcements

The Eco-team takes part in morning announcements to help encourage students to be more conscious of the environment. They also remind students of upcoming events related to Eco-team initiatives.

Watch student made videos that explain how Boomerang lunches are effective ways to reduce pollution. These videos will help you to create a more environmentally friendly lunch.

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